
Archive for April 29th, 2010

When James picked Izzy up from nursery on Friday they told him that 12 children were out with chicken pox so I became super vigilant Mum. By Saturday a few more had come down with it – Izzy was a bit sudued but still OK. By Sunday I spied the first spot lurking near her armpit, then another on her back and then another on her neck……………that’s that then……..we have the pox! I remember having chicken pox when I was 10 and it was awful – they were everywhere, absolutely EVERYWHERE! Yuck! So best she gets it over and done with now. It’s not been too bad – about 100 spots later and only some itching we can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Since we have had a week at home we have been trying to keep Izzy occupied with some fun activities, and of course this includes a spot of baking….get it??….a spot…such a bad joke I know…..

Izzy wanted Chocolcate cupcakes – this kid is a serious chocoholic!! So I thought we could try something new and turned to Cookie Girl’s ‘Eat Me’ and decided on Bounty Cupcakes – inspired by the chocolate bar so chocolate and coconut – what’s not to love?

So we had a lovely time baking and Izzy especially loved licking the spoon (she is the master spoon licker!). If these are for kids then I would probably lose the icing as it is a seriously rich death-by-chocolate icing – even Izzy took a bite and then wanted the icing taken off.  This may also be due to using dark chocolate (it’s all I had) and so that added to the decadence of the cupcake – one for the adults I think!

This batch of cupcakes came with a warning – do not eat if you have not had chicken pox! I can’t guarantee that there wasn’t some finger dipping by a certain pox infected someone!

Bounty Cupcakes (courtesy of Eat Me – Xanthe Milton, AKA Cookie Girl)


110g unsalted butter, room temperature

110g cater sugar

2 large eggs

12 Tbsp coconut milk

110g desiccated coconut

140g self raising flour

1 tsp baking powder

For the icing:-

110g chocolate, plain or milk

2 Tbsp soured cream

4 tsp caster sugar

Preheat the oven to 170C. Line a 12-hole non-stick muffin tin with paper muffin cases.

Cream the butter and sugar together until light, pale and fluffy. Add the eggs, one by one, then the coconut milk and desiccated coconut. Sift the flour and baking powder into the mixture and fold in gently.

Divide the mixture between the paper cases. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes until firm and springy to the touch. Place the cakes on a wire rack to cool.

Meanwhile, prepare the icing. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water or put it in a microwave for 9- seconds or so. When melted, remove from the heat and stir in soured cream and sugar. Whisk to combine and spoon the icing over the cooled cupcakes.


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